Be the Light: Barack to Trump
Seven days ago President Barack Obama gave his farewell address and in three days President-Elect Donald Trump will be inaugurated. As I celebrate the freedom of choice that so many fought and died for, I cannot help but notice some of the emotional responses circulating around me in reaction to this transition and change. Now more than ever I see the importance of turning inward and having a spiritual core to hold you anchored and centered when the winds of change come a blowing. I have an inner peace that no matter how despondent it looks as there are rumors and news reports of many programs being rolled back or threatened by the new regime that there will be a resource (no matter what) from the supreme source. I have a calm because when I talk to my grandparents they say “B, we’ve been through worse and we’ll get through this and whatever it holds.” I know and believe that despite the surge in hate crimes and intolerable rhetoric that love always prevails and those of us that have a higher consciousness have to stay in that heavenly realm and create a vibe that can generate change. We have to resist being pulled into the negativity because that helps no one. We have to remain the light in what may seem to be dark and know that all things work together for good. ALL THINGS. Now let us all do our part to make a difference in our sphere of control and if we each do that in the name of all things good, then we take control and we no longer succumb to the fear.